The Lack of New Residential Construction in Quebec, A Growing Problem.

Quebec, the predominantly French-speaking province of Canada, is facing a concerning issue that has been garnering attention in recent years, the shortage of new residential construction. With a growing population and increasing demand for housing, the lack of new housing developments has created tons of problems, ranging from rising housing costs to limited availability of affordable housing. This article aims to look at the main reasons as to why this is a problem in Quebec and it’s implications.
Population Growth and Urbanization
One of the primary factors contributing to the scarcity of new residential construction in Quebec is the steady population growth and urbanization. As more individuals migrate to urban centers such as Montreal, Laval, Terrebonne etc, the demand for housing has outpaced the available supply. The existing housing stock struggles to meet the needs of the expanding population, resulting in skyrocketing housing prices and fierce competition for limited housing units. This was best seen at the start of the pandemic and until interest rates started to rise. Combining low interest rates with even lower housing availability and prices started to increase without remorse.
Stringent Regulations and Zoning Restrictions
Stringent regulations and zoning restrictions have also played a significant role in hampering new residential construction. While regulations are necessary to ensure safety and quality standards, overly complex and time-consuming approval processes, coupled with strict zoning laws, have impeded the timely development of new housing projects. These barriers discourage potential developers, leading to a reduced supply of housing units. The reason why regulations and zoning restrictions are so frustrating is that it can easily be fixed by local governments and municipalities, and although it sounds easier than it really is, it is not that difficult at all. The addition of infrastructure and continuation of existing neighbourhoods has been pushed by many developers and builders, but the cities continues to be exaggeratedly long on permit process and the revision of civil documents and plans.
Lack of Affordable Housing Options
The lack of new residential construction exacerbates the problem of affordable housing in Quebec. With a limited supply of new housing projects, affordable housing options become scarcer, With less options, the properties that are “supposed” to be affordable increase in price due to their rarity. This pushes many residents towards substandard living conditions or spending a significant portion of their income on housing. This issue disproportionately affects low-income individuals and families, leading to increased socioeconomic disparities within the province. The answer to this is not to build new low income or affordable housing, it is to allow for new construction to be built, so pre-existing properties can decrease or stabilize in value, allowing lower income families the possibility to purchase affordable homes.
Rising Housing Costs
As demand continues to outstrip supply, the housing market in Quebec has witnessed a surge in prices. The shortage of new residential construction in suburban areas has led to an imbalance between supply and demand, enabling sellers to raise prices significantly. This has made it increasingly difficult for first-time homebuyers to enter the market and has forced many residents to resort to renting, further driving up rental costs as well. Most of the time, young families or lower income families have chosen to distance themselves from city centres and purchase in further neighbourhoods, but this option is only available for so long until those neighbourhoods themselves experience a steep increase in pricing.
The lack of new residential construction not only affects the housing market but also places pressure on existing infrastructure and services such as public schools, hospitals etc. Without adequate residential developments, the quality of life for residents can be compromised, hindering the overall growth and development of the province. Although it seems like this is an exaggerated concept, it is not at all, and it is even more surprising that the provinces leaders have not yet found a way to address these types of issues that are so easily manageable. The shortage of new residential construction in Quebec has far-reaching implications for the province. Addressing this problem requires a comprehensive approach that includes streamlining regulatory processes, incentivizing developers to invest in new housing projects, and prioritizing affordable housing initiatives. By doing so, Quebec can strive towards a more balanced housing market, ensuring the availability of quality housing options for all its residents.