It’s that time again… The Relevé 31 in Quebec for Landlords and Tenants

A little early, but as this document is something that a lot of landlords forget about on a yearly basis, we figured we should do our due diligence and help our clients remember their duties 😅 In the province of Quebec, the Relevé 31 (RL-31) plays a crucial role in the relationship between landlords and tenants. This document, issued by the government, serves as an official declaration of a tenant’s residency, outlining essential information for both parties involved. Although you may have heard of this document, today, we will help you unlock the actual importance of it!

What is Relevé 31?

Relevé 31 is a tax document issued by Revenu Québec, It is designed to report rental income and serves as an official record of a tenant’s occupancy during the tax year. This document provides important details such as the tenant’s name, address, and the amount of rent paid during the specified period.

Why is Relevé 31 Important for Landlords?

  1. Tax Compliance: Relevé 31 is a critical component of tax compliance for both landlords and tenants. Landlords are required to report rental income on their tax returns, and the information on Relevé 31 helps ensure accurate reporting to the government. Failing to declare rental income could lead to penalties and legal consequences for the owner of any rental property.
  2. Verification of Residency: Relevé 31 serves as an official proof of a tenant’s residency at a particular address. This document is often requested by various government agencies, financial institutions, and other entities as proof of address. For tenants, having an accurate Relevé 31 can facilitate various processes such as obtaining government benefits, setting up utility services, and even getting a loan!
  3. Social Housing Programs: Some tenants rely on social housing programs or rent subsidies. Relevé 31 is almost always required by these programs to verify the tenant’s eligibility and determine the appropriate level of assistance. Landlords who participate in such programs must provide Relevé 31 to support their tenants in accessing these benefits.
  4. Legal Documentation: In case of any disputes or legal matters between landlords and tenants, Relevé 31 serves as an official document that can be used to verify residency, rental amounts, and other essential details. This can be crucial in resolving disagreements and ensuring a fair and legal resolution. If you have a case open at the TAL, you may know what this is all about!
  5. Facilitating Government Communications: Relevé 31 is used by government agencies to communicate with individuals about various matters, including tax assessments and other important updates. Ensuring that tenants receive accurate Relevé 31 forms helps in facilitating communication between tenants and government authorities.

Although this document is much more important for landlords in Quebec, it does definitely serve its purpose for tenants as well. Providing Relevé 31 to your tenants is not just a legal requirement; it is a crucial step in maintaining transparency, facilitating tax compliance, and supporting tenants in various aspects of their lives. The document plays a vital role in the relationship between landlords and tenants. To obtain more information concerning the Relevé 31 form you can visit Revenu QC’s website!