The focal point of any home is and most probably always will be the kitchen! The last two years have seen a definite revamp on some trends happening in the cabinet world and we wanted to take you through our four favourite new trends! Remember that your kitchen is not only a renovation to make your home look better for yourself. It is also an investment into your property that is known to have one of the highest returns out of any other small renovations! Think long and hard before deciding what you’d like to do and make sure that it fits your needs, and the expectations of buyers looking for a home like yours.
1. Three tone Kitchens
In recent years, we saw a lot of two-tone kitchens come to life, but just after 2020, the three tone kitchen came in and is definitely leaving us with our jaws to the ground! Unique and not seen in every home, this type of kitchen needs space, natural light and open concept floor plan to work, but if you are looking to make your home pop, this is definitely the best way!
2. Walk-In Pantries
Not really new, but becoming more and more accessible in new construction homes across the province! Having a walk-in pantry (butlers kitchen) doesn’t mean a second stow away kitchen, it can simply be a hidden entry way to space where your family can store goods, small kitchen appliances and leaves all of your guests saying “wow, I wish I had space for that in my kitchen” It definitely helps in organization and keeping a tidy kitchen!
3. Hidden Appliances
Again, Hidden appliances is not something recently created, but a trend that is becoming more affordable and more attractive to those looking to renovate their properties. This aspect gives your kitchen a continued look that is clean, seamless and offers a touch not often seen in your neighbours property! Ask your cabinet maker for the cost and don’t forget, only certain appliances can actually allow this to happen! Make sure to verify that with your appliance salesman before paying for cabinets!
4. Incorporated Range Hoods
It was about time! For a better part of the last 10 years, the chimney range hoods were in style. Unfortunately aside from removing storage space, accumulating dust and breaking often I do not see what any consumer liked about them
. Since the beginning of the year range hoods that are hidden behind finished wood or MDF have become increasingly popular giving kitchens a richer, cleaner look throughout!

Thinking of renovating your kitchen in the next 6-12 months? Reach out and ask us for our kitchen and interior designer referrals! It definitely pays off having someone guide you through the process!